Saturday, September 1, 2012

Saturday Sept 1, 2012 2:15 PM

News You Unfortunately Will Need

Dear Neighbors,

We have recently become aware of multiple incidents of disruptive noise that have negatively affected the Burleith neighborhood. A number of you have asked us how to proceed when such incidents occur. Of course, how a person decides to deal with such an occurrence is their prerogative, so our recommendation is just that–a recommendation. At this time, we advise you to always call the police at 911 to report all noise or other violations of District laws. When you call, please indicate that you are reporting a “disorderly conduct” violation.

In addition, if you believe the noise is originating from a Georgetown University (GU) student house, we encourage you to call GU’s 24/7 SNAP Community Hotline at 202-687-8413.

We also ask you to send a follow up email to the Burleith Citizen’s Association with the following information (if known):

1) Your name and contact information
2) Date and time of the incident
3) The location of the incident
4) Description of the noise or other problem
5) The action you took (such as a call to 911)
6) The result of that action, if known
* Photographs and video are helpful as well 

This information, and your 911 call, will help us identify houses that continue to violate local noise ordinances and enable us to work with landlords and the new Georgetown Community Partnership (GCP) more effectively. (For more information on the GCP and the recently negotiated agreement between GU and the community please go to We continue to work closely with the other members of the GCP to ensure that adequate procedures are in place for GU to prevent these noise violations.

Chris Clements
President, BCA