A shout out to First Nationwide Property Management, MacArthur Blvd, Washington, DC. (202 251-7500) who manages 1900 37th Street, Washiington, DC 20007. While most landlords have made civilized behavior a part of the lease, First Nationwide has built a fence and seemingly encourages large drunken parties. I wonder how many properties they "manage" in the area and what the correlation is between behavior and "First Nationwide." There's a neighborhood meeting this coming Thursday and perhaps First Nationwide would like to show up and discuss the situation. "Rod 'I have no last name'" of First Nationwide wasn't so happy about being discovered near the property this week and disavowed all knowledge of it.
Mark C. Foehr, the owner of the 1900 37th Street NW, Washington, DC 20007 property hides behind the tax rolls which show his address as the house. I'd like share my pain and encourage my neighbors to use the above number to call First Nationwide when there is a party. If anyone has Mr. Foehr's address, please send it and I will post it for neighborhood consumption.